Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gelatinous Goo Rains Down on Town (containing human material!!!)

SOURCE: Infowars
July 5, 2009

Robert Stack makes it sound like something out of a science fictions story — a small town in Washington state falls victim to a plague of sorts after tiny blobs of gelatinous goo rained from the sky on August 7, 1994. It made dozens of people severely ill.

Black military helicopters were sighted in the Oakville, Washington area before rain storms brought the fall of the unknown substance.

In 1997, residents of in the Everett area of Washington State reported a similar clear gelatinous substance falling from the sky, according to a guest on Art Bell’s syndicated radio program. “Art’s guest says she received hundreds of calls from people all over the country that have also reported the fall of deadly gelatin blobs.”

In 1977, during a congressional hearing, the Pentagon admitted to conducting hundreds of secret germ “attacks” in a number of cities, using microorganisms it claimed were harmless to humans. “Most of the open-air test sites are known only from a list provided by the Army for a 1977 hearing before the Senate Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, a panel then chaired by Senator Edward M. Kennedy but since disbanded. Details about a few of the actual tests have since become available through law suits and Freedom of Information Act claims. Although documents describing open-air testing have been partially censored by the Military, they indicate that one of the Army’s chief goals was to conduct the experiments without raising suspicions among exposed populations,” Leonard A. Cole wrote for the Washington Monthly in 1985.

The Pentagon has a long track record of using unsuspecting civilians as guinea pigs. For example, in 1965, the Army conducted open air tests using the simulant Bacillus globigii at Washington DC’s National Airport and Greyhound bus terminal. The following year, the Army conducted tests in Manhattan subway line in order to analyze the vulnerability of large metropolitan areas to biological weapons attacks. (See the “History of the US Offensive Biological Warfare Program” timeline.)

“Although such military research was highly classified, by 1975 concern over revelations of myriad intelligence abuses led to a comprehensive investigation by the U.S. Senate’s Church Committee, which published a CIA memorandum listing the deadly chemical agents and toxins then stockpiled at Fort Detrick,” write Ellen Ray and Willam H. Schaap (Bioterror: Manufacturing Wars the American Way). “These included anthrax, encephalitis, tuberculosis, lethal snake venom, shellfish toxin, and half a dozen lethal food poisons, some of which, the committee learned, had been shipped in the early 1960s to Congo and to Cuba in unsuccessful CIA attempts to assassinate Patrice Lumumba and Fidel Castro.”

Following World War II, biological warfare was advanced through funding by the CIA, the Department of Defense, and the Navy with hundreds of biological warfare (BW) projects at corporations and universities throughout the country. The Pentagon claimed to have banned research in 1969, due to public pressure, but in 1975 it was learned that a CIA project still maintained BW stocks at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

“Despite the international agreement which banned development of germ-warfare agents, the Pentagon’s research budget for infectious diseases and toxins has increased tenfold since fiscal 1981. Further, most of the 1986 budget of $42 million went to 24 U.S. university campuses where the world’s most deadly organisms are being cultured in campus labs. Similarly, the U.S. Army has resumed biological agent testing at its Dugway, Utah, test site which had been declared unsafe a decade earlier,” Project Censored reported in 1981.

There are numerous reportings of gelatinous rain associated with chemtrails. There is a patent (United States Patent 6,315,213) describing a method for artificially modifying the weather by seeding rain clouds of a storm with suitable cross-linked aqueous polymer. “The polymer is dispersed into the cloud and the wind of the storm agitates the mixture causing the polymer to absorb the rain,” explains a web page on atmospheric geoengineering and chemtrail patents. “This reaction forms a gelatinous substance which precipitate to the surface below. Thus, diminishing the clouds ability to rain.”

Warning, American



Posted: July 04, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
© 2009 

Every July 4, we retreat to fireworks, feast and festival in celebration of an independence that is rapidly becoming little more than a memory. Our ancestors declared their independence in 1776 from a tyrannical, overbearing government. The independence claimed by the authors of the U.S. Constitution helped them create a government expressly prohibited from becoming tyrannical and overbearing, by limiting its power to certain enumerated responsibilities. Those limitations have long been ignored, and the current government makes no apology for its overbearing tyranny.

Just as American independence was foreshadowed by a tea party in Boston, America's new independence is foreshadowed by tea parties across the nation. There is more evidence that a new declaration is being drafted. Currently, 36 states have approved or are considering some form of state sovereignty resolution. Several states are following Montana's example, enacting laws that defy federal intervention. More than a dozen states have enacted or are considering legislation that prohibits the federal government from imposing a mandatory National Animal Identification System. These are symptoms of a society that is dissatisfied with the long train of abuses government continues to inflict upon it.

As the modern-day freedom fighters begin to organize and strategize, the government chooses not to reform, but to entrench and expand its control over the people.

The similarity is remarkable, between the rise of the Democratic Socialist Party now in control of Washington and the rise of the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany in the 1930s.

Are we headed for a Nazi-style totalitarian abyss? Find out in "Defeating the Totalitarian Lie: A Former Hitler Youth Warns America"

Led by an articulate orator, the German government set out to nationalize health care, transportation, manufacturing and law enforcement. The Obama government has set out to nationalize manufacturing of autos and the finance industry. The Obama-backed "cap and trade" legislation will effectively nationalize the energy and transportation industries. And Obama's nationalized health care program is on the front burner.

Now here's another similarity: nationalization of law enforcement. H.R. 675, sponsored by Democrat Rep. Bob Filner, was introduced to:

Provide police officers, criminal investigators, and game law enforcement officers of the Department of Defense with the authority to execute warrants, make arrests, and carry firearms. (Emphasis added.)

Why do employees of the Department of Defense need the authority to execute warrants, make arrests and carry firearms? When the bill was introduced, Filner said: "We need to ensure that federal, state and local law enforcement are able to work together to apprehend criminals and to prevent and solve crimes."

The 1878 Posse Comitatus Act explicitly prohibits the Department of Defense from involvement in state and local law enforcement activities. The feds have the FBI to investigate federal crimes and the Justice Department to prosecute federal crimes. Waco and Ruby Ridge are good examples of federal law enforcement. And the land management agencies have gun-totin' enforcement officers to prevent tourists from picking up arrowheads on federal property. Why do we need to authorize the secretary of defense to arm another domestic police force?

Take a clue from the authorities granted by the bill:

  • To execute and serve warrants;
  • To make arrests without warrants;
  • To carry firearms;
  • To enforce federal laws enacted to protect persons or property;
  • To prevent breaches of the peace and suppress affrays or unlawful assemblies. …

There are other authorities, but let's focus on this last one: "To prevent breaches of the peace and suppress affrays or unlawful assemblies." What is an unlawful assembly? Any assembly that is not authorized by government is unlawful. Should an irate society decide to hold a tea party even if government refused to authorize it, then there must be a reliable federal law enforcement army to "suppress" the unlawful assembly. Local police cannot be trusted to "suppress" an assembly of their neighbors.

In Germany, this police force was called the Gestapo. In Germany, the people who resisted the nationalization of anything were immediately branded as "right-wing extremist" and denounced and ridiculed by government officials and by the press. Watch the government and press response to the April tea parties.

These people who assemble peacefully to protest government policies are described as "Astroturf" pawns of corporate interests by Speaker Pelosi, and as "ignorant rednecks" by Janeane Garofalo. Assemblies such as these were outlawed in 1930s Germany. They can be outlawed, and are being outlawed or otherwise prevented, in this country today.

The July 4 Atlanta tea party scheduled since March was abruptly canceled June 18 when a major donor to the Democratic Socialist Party now in control of Washington exerted sufficient influence to have permission to use the property withdrawn.

Americans can't comprehend the possibility that the federal government could ever become as oppressive as Germany in the 1930s. Think again. How many bills are now floating around that seek to either register guns or outlaw them completely? This was one of the first objectives of the 1930s German government. Once the guns were registered, the Gestapo knew exactly where to go to confiscate them.

Is this why the Democrats in Washington now want to create a federal domestic police force?

Independence and individual freedom are not virtues to Democratic Socialists; but government control is.


And…Last but not least, my final article for this issue:

Police State - The Militarization of the Police Force in USA

Do these fine gentlemen resemble the police in your neck of the woods?  They do in mine. Kind of scary, huh?

Ok, people, thanks for reading, and that’s all for now.  Be sure to check out,, and for all your non-mainstream news.

Seek Truth!!!


Monday, May 18, 2009

The Nazi/Obama Youth in training...


IMPERIAL, Calif. — Ten minutes into arrant mayhem in this town near the Mexican border, and the gunman, a disgruntled Iraq war veteran, has already taken out two people, one slumped in his desk, the other covered in blood on the floor.

The responding officers — eight teenage boys and girls, the youngest 14 — face tripwire, a thin cloud of poisonous gas and loud shots — BAM! BAM! — fired from behind a flimsy wall. They move quickly, pellet guns drawn and masks affixed.

“United States Border Patrol! Put your hands up!” screams one in a voice cracking with adolescent determination as the suspect is subdued.

It is all quite a step up from the square knot.

The Explorers program, a coeducational affiliate of the Boy Scouts of America that began 60 years ago, is training thousands of young people in skills used to confront terrorism, illegal immigration and escalating border violence — an intense ratcheting up of one of the group’s longtime missions to prepare youths for more traditional jobs as police officers and firefighters.

“This is about being a true-blooded American guy and girl,” said A. J. Lowenthal, a sheriff’s deputy here in Imperial County, whose life clock, he says, is set around the Explorers events he helps run. “It fits right in with the honor and bravery of the Boy Scouts.”

The training, which leaders say is not intended to be applied outside the simulated Explorer setting, can involve chasing down illegal border crossers as well as more dangerous situations that include facing down terrorists and taking out “active shooters,” like those who bring gunfire and death to college campuses. In a simulation here of a raid on a marijuana field, several Explorers were instructed on how to quiet an obstreperous lookout.

“Put him on his face and put a knee in his back,” a Border Patrol agent explained. “I guarantee that he’ll shut up.”

One participant, Felix Arce, 16, said he liked “the discipline of the program,” which was something he said his life was lacking. “I want to be a lawyer, and this teaches you about how crimes are committed,” he said.

Cathy Noriega, also 16, said she was attracted by the guns. The group uses compressed-air guns — known as airsoft guns, which fire tiny plastic pellets — in the training exercises, and sometimes they shoot real guns on a closed range.

“I like shooting them,” Cathy said. “I like the sound they make. It gets me excited.”

If there are critics of the content or purpose of the law enforcement training, they have not made themselves known to the Explorers’ national organization in Irving, Tex., or to the volunteers here on the ground, national officials and local leaders said. That said, the Explorers have faced problems over the years. There have been numerous cases over the last three decades in which police officers supervising Explorers have been charged, in civil and criminal cases, with sexually abusing them.

Several years ago, two University of Nebraska criminal justice professors published a study that found at least a dozen cases of sexual abuse involving police officers over the last decade. Adult Explorer leaders are now required to take an online training program on sexual misconduct.

Many law enforcement officials, particularly those who work for the rapidly growing Border Patrol, part of the Homeland Security Department, have helped shape the program’s focus and see it as preparing the Explorers as potential employees. The Explorer posts are attached to various agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and local police and fire departments, that sponsor them much the way churches sponsor Boy Scout troops.

“Our end goal is to create more agents,” said April McKee, a senior Border Patrol agent and mentor at the session here.

Membership in the Explorers has been overseen since 1998 by an affiliate of the Boy Scouts called Learning for Life, which offers 12 career-related programs, including those focused on aviation, medicine and the sciences.

But the more than 2,000 law enforcement posts across the country are the Explorers’ most popular, accounting for 35,000 of the group’s 145,000 members, said John Anthony, national director of Learning for Life. Since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, many posts have taken on an emphasis of fighting terrorism and other less conventional threats.

“Before it was more about the basics,” said Johnny Longoria, a Border Patrol agent here. “But now our emphasis is on terrorism, illegal entry, drugs and human smuggling.”

The law enforcement posts are restricted to those ages 14 to 21 who have a C average, but there seems to be some wiggle room. “I will take them at 13 and a half,” Deputy Lowenthal said. “I would rather take a kid than possibly lose a kid.”

The law enforcement programs are highly decentralized, and each post is run in a way that reflects the culture of its sponsoring agency and region. Most have weekly meetings in which the children work on their law-enforcement techniques in preparing for competitions. Weekends are often spent on service projects.

Just as there are soccer moms, there are Explorers dads, who attend the competitions, man the hamburger grill and donate their land for the simulated marijuana field raids. In their training, the would-be law-enforcement officers do not mess around, as revealed at a recent competition on the state fairgrounds here, where a Ferris wheel sat next to the police cars set up for a felony investigation.

Their hearts pounding, Explorers moved down alleys where there were hidden paper targets of people pointing guns, and made split-second decisions about when to shoot. In rescuing hostages from a bus taken over by terrorists, a baby-faced young girl screamed, “Separate your feet!” as she moved to handcuff her suspect.

In a competition in Arizona that he did not oversee, Deputy Lowenthal said, one role-player wore traditional Arab dress. “If we’re looking at 9/11 and what a Middle Eastern terrorist would be like,” he said, “then maybe your role-player would look like that. I don’t know, would you call that politically incorrect?”

Authenticity seems to be the goal. Imperial County, in Southern California, is the poorest in the state, and the local economy revolves largely around the criminal justice system. In addition to the sheriff and local police departments, there are two state prisons and a large Border Patrol and immigration enforcement presence.

“My uncle was a sheriff’s deputy,” said Alexandra Sanchez, 17, who joined the Explorers when she was 13. Alexandra’s police uniform was baggy on her lithe frame, her airsoft gun slung carefully to the side. She wants to be a coroner.

“I like the idea of having law enforcement work with medicine,” she said. “This is a great program for me.”

And then she was off to another bus hijacking.

I guess it's easier to convince a kid to shoot an american citizen in the ame of the government than it is to convince an adult army soldier. This is scary people. WAKE UP!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Don't drive nice cars in Illinois...

Illinois State Police Seize and Keep Desirable Cars for Personal Use
Influential Illinois State Police official gets personal use of a muscle car confiscated from a motorist.

Illinois State Police troopers seized a high-performance muscle car and set it aside for the personal use of an influential police official. The Associated Press reported that a suspected drunk driver in a 2006 Dodge Charger was pulled over in January 2007. The troopers used a state seizure law to confiscate the vehicle.

Once the paperwork was complete, the 425-horsepower vehicle -- which had an as-new base price of $38,000 -- was handed over for the personal use of Ron Cooley, 56, the Executive Director of the Illinois State Police Merit Board. Taxpayers also pick up the fuel tab for gas-guzzling 6.1 liter V-8 as he drives to and from work each day and on various business trips.

A good relationship with the merit board is essential for any state trooper looking to move up into a position of responsibility.

"The mission of the Illinois State Police Merit Board is to remove political influence and provide a fair and equitable merit process for the selection of Illinois State trooper candidates and the promotion and discipline of Illinois State Police officers," the board website explains.

According to AP, the Charger is just one of two dozen desirable cars -- including an Audi and a Cadillac Escalade -- grabbed and kept by state troopers. State police officials decline to identify the beneficiaries of the confiscated car policy claiming it could endanger officers if the type of car they drove at taxpayer expense were made public.

Source: AP Exclusive: Bureaucrat driving seized hotrod (Associated Press, 4/30/2009)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Swine Flu Hoax

I haven't been posting very regularly as of late because of all that is going on globally in the news. When you see things like I do, you tend to see deeper into what is going on than what is presented to you be mainstream media. I present to you, The Mexican Swine Flu, or H1N1, as it's called in scientific circles.

This Swine Flu Virus, is a man made, genetically spliced virus, that was recently released upon the population, in an effort to sell dangerous Tamiflu Vaccines, and as a way to scare the population, both in Mexico and globally. Mexico was ready for collapse right before the swine flu outbreak. Riots in Mexico City threatened to get worse. The largest city on earth was nearing collapse. The Drug Cartels were taking over. Swine Flu breaks out. The government starts sending out warnings, and Quarantining areas, civil unrest problem stomped out for the time being.

The same thing is happening here in the United States. Our Government is using this Swine Flu as a way to sell us Tamiflu Vaccines, which Obama, Bush, and Rumsfield all owb stock (Roche Pharmacueticals), which is more dangerous than the virus itself. Google tamiflu lawsuits, and tamiflu abnormal behavior. This is just another excuse for the government to scare us into a state of martial law, so FEMA can take over our government, suspend the constitution and the bill of rights, and turn us into mindless slaves, that have no more force to execute our will than a dying cancer patient.

The normal Flu has killed 1000's already in the US this year. The Mexican Swine Flu has killed less than 160 people WORLDWIDE. with 99% of deaths in the originating country, and 100% of Swine Flu Death victims are OF MEXICAN DESCENT. I do not give an exact number for you because the exactly number is quite dodgy depending on which news source you get it from. i read an AP article from april 28th confirming 159 mexican deaths, and 1 US death, then I read another article from May 3rd confirming the Mexican Death toll only at 19.

Wake up people! Don't let world government scare you into allowing them to inject you with harmful chemicals, over a virus that is less of a threat than the common flu,just so they can profit. Don't believe the media scares. research this stuff for yourself.

Chicago in danger of martial law?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fallen Earth Beta!!!

Woot! Great news (for me anyway), I've just been accepted intot th e Fallen Earth Closed Beta!
Ive been chomping at the bit to try this game ever sine it was announced, and tonight I will finally be able to check it out in a very unfinished state. I and under a non disclosure agreement, which means I wont be able to say anything about it, but I'm mucho happy!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Well I committed a major boo boo last night. After my reformat, I forgot to set the time on my computer back to central CST. I normally go to bed around 2a.m.-3a.m. by the time I got into bed and realized the mistake I had made it was already 5a.m.

I slept from about 5:30 til about 7:30 this morning. I'm running on fumes I tell ya. Was gonna make my nearly world famous chicken and dumplings tonight but I don't think I've got the energy.

I think it's nap time.

Reinstalled UO


Well, out of sheer boredom i reinstalled the old standby, Ultima Online.  I’ve been playing a new character on the player run shard of The Second Age, supposedly a recreation of the way things were in 1998.  So far I’m liking it.  That was my favorite era of UO.  I’ll let you know more as my character progresses, and I can make a better decision on how faithfully they’ve followed the time period.

In other news, I’ve had to reformat my hard drive, and reinstall windows yet again this weekend.  I’m getting very tired of nothing on my computer being permanent.  I’ve narrowed my computer problems down to either, a)my motherboard b) my cpu or c) my hard drive.  I’m hoping it’s hard drive failure, but with my luck it will be all three.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday...Sunday Morning!

I awoke this morning to the smell of a thousand dead bodies building up noxious fumes, swelling to their bursting point and exploding under my sheets. No, It was my nightly flatulence trapped under the covers, being released into my room. either way, it was a stank mess. I'm surprised Molly didn't die of inhalation.

Not much on the menu for today. I need to get in touch with my pill guy, who has gone missing since last night. I'm down to one pill, and that might last me the rest of the day, but if I can't find him soon it will be off to detox land for me. Which includes such wonderful rides as "Hot flash, Cold chills" "Diarrhea Mania" and "Sharp Stabbing pains in the abdomen". I'm actually planning on trying to quit again next weekend, as Rachel has four days in a row off, and I wont have to be up and about taking care of molly. I managed to get a couple Suboxone pills from a customer but I can't start taking them until I'm 72 hours off of the methadone. 72 Hours off methadone is a terrible thing.

In better news, I'm in Hawaii in spirit. One of my customers brought me three authentic Hawaiian Tiki Masks from his trip, and the very next day, Jason gave me two bags of Kona coffee. I'm a happy camper. Vanilla Macadamia nut flavored. mm mm.

Just going to fart around on the Internet for a little while longer today, and then maybe clean the house. It's crappy and overcast, and I see no future of me going outdoors today.

Monday, March 30, 2009

First Blog

Wow, first post and I'm not really sure what to say here. I guess I can tell you a little about myself and perhaps the type of things I plan on posting here. I'm a 36 year old Tattoo Artist, currently living in the Chicagoland area. I suffer from a very short attention span which is a curse to me as it rarely allows me to get very much accomplished. I have a Fiancee', (Rachel), and four beautiful daughters (Heather, Tori Ravyn, Brandi Reign, and Molly), and I'm addicted to MMORPGS, and prescription pain medication.

This blog, I hope, will serve me as an outlet to put into words some of the crazy ideas and thoughts that run through this gigantic noodle sitting on top of my shoulders, and hopefully, if you are reading this, a source of entertainment and knowledge for you.

So, greetings. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy what you find here, if for only a brief internet minute!